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Crypto Consultants gives back! With nearly 1,500 community members, it's time for giveaway

Get a chance to win a €100 prize cheque as well as a year of free copy trading! Are you in?

Click the button below!

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Terms and Conditions - Copy Trading Giveaway
For a chance to win the giveaway, you must have participated in copy trading on the platform for at least 21 consecutive days. To participate, it is necessary to set up your trading account correctly as per the instructions provided to be eligible for the prize. These 21 days start after the 7-day registration period has expired. After this 21-day period, your participation will be automatically renewed and fees will be collected automatically. It is your own responsibility to stop the programme in time if you do not want to continue. The winner of the giveaway will be announced within 21 days after entries close. By participating, you agree to these terms and conditions.